The Advantages of Concrete Mix Design and its Types


Concrete mix design involves mixing concrete with other ingredients in different proportions for enhanced durability and strength of concrete structures. Since the properties of the materials used in a mix can vary, achieving the ideal mix is a challenging task and should be left to an expert.

Concrete Mix Design Advantages

Enhanced Quality

Every material used in a mix undergoes a series of tests. Ingredients are tested for their strength and durability using compressive and tensile strength machines. The aggregates with superior shape and form retention properties and durability are chosen.


Usually in a traditional mix, cement is the main ingredient. Using cement more than other ingredients results in higher costs. When you use concrete mix design, the desired qualities and properties can be achieved with lesser cement, so you achieve a high-quality mix without incurring extra costs.

Locally Sourced Materials

Concrete mix design allows for the use of materials manufactured locally, helping reduce transportation costs. When you use locally produced materials, you support local manufacturers and your carbon footprint shrinks.

Superior Properties

You can change the proportion of an ingredient to improve your concrete mix design’s durability, strength, impermeability and workability.

To get the ideal mix with desired properties, it is important that you consider all the factors at play including gradation of aggregates and cement-water ratio. Depending upon the conditions or project requirements, you can use admixtures to improve the properties of concrete.

Types of Concrete Mix Designs

Nominal Mix Concrete

Used in small and simple projects, nominal mix concrete is usually a low-grade mix. In this method, cement, sand and aggregate are mixed in arbitrary proportions. Oftentimes, the water-cement ratio is not ideal and the desired strength and durability may not be achieved. Grades of M20 and below are prepared using the process.

This method is usually used when the quality control requirements for design mixes are challenging to meet.

Design Mix Concrete

In this method, the proportions of ingredients are decided on the basis of certain established relationships to achieve the desired qualities either when concrete is freshly poured or hardens.

It is typically used in complex projects to improve the compressive strength, durability, and other properties of concrete. Admixtures and retarders are used to further improve the properties of design mix concrete.

Using design mix concrete, you can design several different grades of concrete from as low as M10 to as high as M80 and M100.

Bayshore Materials is a trusted concrete delivery company in Vallejo. We have a range of concrete products. Our high-quality products meet and exceed customer expectations. To enquire about our products and services, call (707) 644-0859.