Why Use Ready-Mix Concrete for Your Next Project?

Ready-mix concrete is manufactured in a batch plant. It is usually delivered using in-transit mixers or volumetric concrete mixers. Ready-mix concrete or RMC, as it is popularly known, is specifically batched or manufactured to customer specifications and is delivered to the customer on-site.

It is a mixture of Portland or any other type of cement, sand, gravel or crushed stone, and water and aggregates. Ready-mix concrete is widely used in residential and commercial construction around the world.

Here are some compelling reasons to build with ready-mix concrete.

Quality Control: Ready-mix concrete is manufactured in controlled conditions. It is manufactured to specifications. Ready-mix concrete plants use time-tested methods and sophisticated equipment. These plants have full control over material testing and process parameters.

They continuously monitor their key practices and processes and introduce changes when necessary. These plants are equipped to deliver high quality consistently. The site-mix concrete method, on the other hand, is plagued by several problems such as no or less control over the input materials, and inefficacy of batching or mixing methods.

Swift Production: Because ready-mix concrete plants rely heavily on automation and employ mechanized methods, they can produce output at a much faster rate than a site-mix concrete plant.

On average, a ready-mix concrete plant can produce 30-60 metric cubes per hour. Comparatively, the output in the site-mix concrete method is just 4-5 metric cubes per hour.

Less Cement Consumption: Ready-mix concrete plants follow effective mixing and handling practices designed to reduce wastage. Many plants use admixtures and other cementitious materials such as fly ash, silica fume, limestone fines, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag. These practices can help reduce cement consumption by 10-12 percent.

Environmental Friendliness

Ready-mix concrete plants use bulk cement instead of bagged cement. This helps reduce pollution. Also, since less cement is used in manufacturing ready-mix concrete, it is an eco-friendlier process than many other processes.

Ready-mix concrete eliminates the need to store raw materials on site. Businesses using this method do not need extra warehouses for storage. This helps save costs and resources.

Less Chances of Human Error: Ready-mix concrete plants rely on automation. They usually have less dependency on humans. This helps reduce errors caused due to human negligence, promoting overall efficiency.

Savings: Ready-mix concrete plants use cutting-edge technology and modern equipment for enhanced durability. Structures with better durability have a longer service life and can withstand damage and wear.

Looking for a concrete delivery company near you that can deliver concrete on-site? Look no further than Bayshore Materials Inc. No matter how involved your construction project, we will meet all your needs related to building supplies and construction materials. To discuss your requirements with a building materials expert, call us at 707-644-0859.