Differences Between Ready-Mix and Site-Mixed Concrete

Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials. Known for its superior strength and durability, concrete finds its use in residential, commercial, and industrial projects. The construction industry uses two main types of concrete – ready-mix concrete and site-mixed concrete.

Ready-Mix Concrete vs. Site-Mixed Concrete

Ready-mix concrete is manufactured in a batch plant according to a set of specifications provided by the customer. It is delivered in an unhardened and plastic state to the worksite, and is usually sold by volume.

Site-mixed concrete is prepared at the worksite. Water, sand, gravel, air, and cement are mixed in specific proportions to obtain the desired strength and durability. Site managers use different formulas to determine the amount of materials and steps to get the desired consistency.

Differences Between Ready-Mix Concrete and Site-Mixed Concrete


Ready-mix concrete is delivered to the worksite, ready to use. This saves time and money. Site-mixed concrete, on the other hand, is prepared at the worksite. This process takes longer as the steps to prepare the concrete for pouring are done on-site.

Storage Requirements

Ready-mix concrete is delivered to the worksite. No additional space is required for storing raw materials. Raw materials (such as cement and aggregates) used in making site-mixed concrete must be stored onsite. They need a controlled storage space.

Labor Requirements

Concrete batching plants use advanced techniques and equipment that automate the production process. Ready-mix concrete manufacturers have less dependency on laborers. Usually, only skilled laborers are required to pour and compact the concrete.

When concrete is mixed onsite, both skilled and unskilled laborers are required for shifting and mixing the mortar and laying it.


The process of producing ready-mix concrete is automated (which reduces the likelihood of human error). It is produced in a controlled environment. Material waste is minimal due to efficient processes and workflows. When concrete is mixed at the site, some material loss can occur during mixing and storage.


Ready-mix concrete plants use sophisticated equipment and consistent methods. Consistent quality is obtained, thanks to an automated and controlled manufacturing environment.

When concrete is mixed onsite, controlling consistency can prove to be an uphill task. Constant supervision is required to ensure consistency among batches.

Batch Size

Large amounts of ready-mix concrete can be delivered to job sites. Mixing large amounts of concrete onsite is both difficult and time-consuming.

Ready-mix concrete has various benefits over site-mixed concrete. That, however, does not mean that it is the better choice for every project. When deciding whether you should use site-mixed or ready-mix concrete, consider every factor at play, including project size and transportation requirements.

Bayshore Materials is a reliable concrete supply center near you. From high-quality concrete to durable stucco, you will find everything that you need for your construction project at our store. To place an order, call us at (707) 644-0859.